Metaphoric Hate....Coroneus, Wake.

Friday, August 08, 2008

The Curious Dreamlife of Marshmallow Addie - Volume 22

Excellentus en amalgamum. Verbal fusillades evapourated inocuously, much like a jaw-searingly easy drawn smoke ring. Padron the disturbancia. Natrually.

When independence, however ephemeral, is threatened to be lost yet another again, what is there that remains to be done other than give it away quickly of your own volition? youcantquitmeIfire. It has been mentioned in the past that an old hen cannot change it's speckles. Sadly, that is still not false.

Irish in nature in more ways than it would know, the ale was in no way pale. A life is sad - that is an oft understated, yet implicit misunderstanding of something or the other that isn't worth bothering about right now. However, when it's continuity is eroded by timely interventions from good spirited bitter acts and that by definition is therefore rejected, then there is only one recourse: jack and sodomy.

And with a hefe heart, one must admit, such was the choice of Marshmallow Addie.


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