Metaphoric Hate....Coroneus, Wake.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Curious Dreamlife of Marshmallow Addie - Volume 14

Marshmallow Addie began the slow and tedious process of disambiguation. Through the green mists of faltering bock propelled memoryloss, a murky fragment from a self-absorbed timescape emerged:

Crimorcles: What is sqrt pi inna kaiser role?

Pers: King Throng an aromatic sunrise.

Crimorcles: Yuss, thusly possibilities. Nay howevers, whit is knowst once or twine as a turns it onnits 'ead, a muhahahahaha three-sistie degrie.

Pers: The colour is plausitively bleu.

Crimorcles: Blood eegit! Tis sonly won. Orren' isstuh floe of raiche. Tis the furie of drimms. Now roass thut on yer bunn.

A thoughtful oyster suspended precariously above an infinite ocean pondered the surreal tragedy of its being, as the orange mist of terror slowly took over and melted its spine. It looked inwards of itself and to its surprise and horror, saw the universe. It looked downwards into the universe and saw itself. It understood the meaning of pointless reflection.

A flickering eyelid deslumber'd him. Marshmallow Addie awoke to acute myopia, and saw purple clouds dancing happily to tuneless chirrups of bird-like apparitions. Furia Arancia had singed his memory. For a change, the day was a happy continuum of events, but he still sighed, blind to the latent beauty of liquid moments, as he inadvertently soaked in them and watched them float into one another.

A fragment of dissociated future drifted by inocuously, and the languid gaze of the paralysed oyster briefly swept over it. In it, a visible shroud of peace quietly made its way over its quarry like a dull, warm and grainy shiver. The quarry's eyes knew. Its world really was calm. It really will be.


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